New year - Jan'01. This is a world wide celebration of a new year, indeed. To my knowledge most of the countries in the world change their calendar this very day.
Many celebrate in many ways - partying, 'movie'ing, sleeping, etc. Every body wish 'Happy New Year' even to strangers. We feel that it's a great day and there is a great year lying in front of us ahead. Some Cynics shout out loud that it is not a new year until you are 'new'. Lots of comments from elders too.
Despite all these drama happening around us, there is some part within us which is enjoying, noting down atleast some of those points, thinking about the future. There is atleast some part within us that tells us 'I'm gonna take up new resolutions!'. Come on, Whom are we kidding ? We ... Change ... Not so us!!
We see the same New year ever year. So, What the heck is new with a New Year then ??
This question has been haunting from a week before this new year. I've been thinking about it sub-consciously, but never directly. Like every year, some of my friends were partying while some were sleeping some other were doing some other kind of stuff, I was watching a movie. It was almost 11.30 on December 31st. I had never thought of resolutions until this year. So, I thought of taking some this year. So, I started with ...
-> Re-Opening my blog which I had abandoned for more than a year
-> Post atleast once in two days
-> This time, I'll be a real techexplorer
-> Prepare widgets in java and upload them at my site - atleast one per week
-> Reflect my own work in my blog more than copying content
(FYI, most of the bloggers do it. In fact, how can some one create news ? It has to have a source right ? That is my side of justification)
-> Improve my quality of writing
-> Attract even more visitors (FYI, current statistics shows that I have 15 visitors/day, I would like to improve it to 100/day)
-> I should buy a domain this year atleast and host a completely technical site
With all these resolutions in my mind, I should seem a technical geek..
In the words of my favorite, the "Chandler" -> Could I BE any more 'geek'ier ??
Anyways, there's one more resolution which is like a composition to all these resolutions.BTW, Composition as in object oriented approach.
-> I will strive my level best to meet the humor of "Chandler", the great, in all of my posts.
And that ends my list of new year resolutions !
And by that, I start off posting in my blog this year.
Happy New Year 2011 folks !!